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At the Institute, we are dedicated to educating professionals as well as those who have experienced strangulation assaults. Survivors of strangulation assaults experience the ultimate robbery of hope. We know just one strangulation occurrence at the hands of an intimate partners means the victim is 750% more likely to die at the hands of their abuser. At the Institute, we believe Survivors can only make the best decisions for themselves and their families when they have all the information and fully understand the lethality of their situation.    


We have curated a variety of information and resources aimed to help educate Survivors on the severity of strangulation as well as resources aimed to help Survivors create pathways to safety, health, healing and autonomy. 
The Institute would like to thank our Advocacy Advisory Committee, co-chaired by Michelle Morgan and Joyce Bilyeu, for their tireless effort on this project as well as Alliance for Hope International’s Director of Culture and Creative Services, Yesenia Aceves, for her beautiful work in designing and creating our new Survivor Resources web page. 


Please take a moment to visit the new Survivor Page on the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention’s websiYoYou will be welcomed to the page by Alliance for Hope’s CEO, Gael Strack, and invited to browse a variety of helpful resources.